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Awkward silences in the workplace can be seriously uncomfortable. Research shows that English speakers can rarely handle a pause of more than four seconds before the urge kicks in to fill the gap with small talk. But leaders can leap ahead of any discomfort by using a well-timed icebreaker conversation to keep the conversation flowing in the work environment.

Icebreakers don't have to be cringey or something you'd associate with fictional office boss Michael Scott. The right prompt can be:  • An amazing energizer • The perfect segue into a meeting • An opportunity for teammates to bond.

Keep reading for our list of icebreaker questions you can use for many different occasions, from team meetings to networking events.

Fun Icebreaker Questions

  1. What superpower do you most envy, and how do you wish you could use it?
  2. What's your favorite meme, and why?
  3. If there was a zombie apocalypse, how would you survive?
  4. What’s your guilty pleasure TV show, and why should we be watching it?
  5. What’s your favorite breakfast food?
  6. What would you choose an unlimited supply of in the office?
  7. What supernatural creature would you most like to be and why?
  8. What favorite fashion trend do you wish was still acceptable?
  9. If you were stranded on a deserted island with access to a stereo, what favorite song would you play on repeat?
  10. Which favorite cartoon character still makes you smile today?
  11. What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten, and would you try it again?
  12. What musical instrument have you always wanted to play?
  13. What's the most exciting thing about you that most people don't know?
  14. What would you choose if you could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of your life?