"If everyone moves forward together, then success takes care of itself." Of course, Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, discussed the importance of teamwork in business. Talented individuals have enormous potential, but bring them together as part of a team, and your company could achieve amazing results.

Team building activities cement your employees' bond and teach communication and collaboration skills through practical exercises. This guide explores 40 team building examples, including activities for office-based, hybrid, and remote teams. Best of all? They're all super fun, so let's dig in!

What Is Team Building?

Team building is an activity or series of exercises encouraging employees to develop better working relationships. These can be anything from casual icebreaker games to more structured problem-solving activities designed to develop specific workplace skills.

Whether virtual or in-person, team building games should promote collaboration and help each person understand their individual and collective contribution to the company. It's an ongoing process enabling individuals to trust and appreciate each other over time.

Why Is Team Building Important?

The idea of a team is synonymous with sports, so let's take a second to appreciate how it works on the field. You'd never start a soccer game without knowing what position you were playing, what position everyone else was in, and your line-up's individual strengths and weaknesses. And the same goes for business.

Here are some specific examples of why team building is so effective in the working world:

What makes a great team building activity?

Here’s the elephant in the room: team building gets a bad rap. If the mere mention of team bonding has your employees rolling their eyes and running for the exit, you’ll know you need to take action to have everyone onboard and enthusiastic.

Perhaps previous team outings haven't been positive, if the activities haven't been the right fit, or if leaders didn't join in. Maybe some employees felt embarrassed or humiliated by the activity or found the entire event cliched and cringeworthy.

So, how do you choose the best team building exercises? Make sure they’re: